Gay Star News

“...“Boasting spectacular views across the island and out to the ocean, the villa holds no more than three people at a time, ensuring that retreats are deliberately small and intimate… ” ...”
“...“Boasting spectacular views across the island and out to the ocean, the villa holds no more than three people at a time, ensuring that retreats are deliberately small and intimate… ” ...”
“...“I saw one young woman who had been raped as a child and still felt toxic. After three breathing sessions she wrote to say that she finally felt able to move on with her life.’” ...”
“...“I left feeling more grounded, tranquil and centred, and having opened the door to the new journey I’d been set on: a journey of a relationship with myself.” ...”
“...“…You can master the technique in an hour- long, one-to-one session with a teacher, then practise at home whenever you need extra energy or feel stressed. “That’s what I truly love about it – its power,” says Alan.” ” ...”
“...“…I slid into a deeply meditative, almost ecstatic state, and I felt like I could ‘let go’ of a whole lot of emotional baggage … I felt energised and uplifted afterwards, if exhausted and dehydrated.” ...”
“...“…‘Be careful over the rest of the day,’ [Alan] says. ‘You might feel different.’ He’s right… there’s a sense of altered frequency, that the world is a subtly different place…” ...”
“...“‘The Bhastrika Breath energises you instantly,’ says Alan Dolan, of Breathing Space Holidays. ‘Try inhaling through your nose as you stretch your arms up. Now clench your fists as you exhale through the mouth with a “ha” sound, while bringing your hands down to chest level…’” ...”