Humans have been aware of the healing power of their breath for millennia. Through the centuries we’ve developed a vast array of breathing practices, all designed to bring about physical and emotional wellbeing and connect with our deeper selves.
Alan’s Breathwork benefits
- Release anxiety, stress and alleviate depression
- Tackle sleep issues
- Ease respiratory conditions
- Boost your immune system
- Feel completely energised
- Experience deeply nourishing peace and relaxation
- Be the healthiest you’ve ever been
- Become aware of emotions halting your personal growth
- Let go of emotional baggage permanently and easily
- Move beyond whatever is standing between you and your happiness
- Understand the nature of spirit
- Open your breath and expand your life
- Develop a new dimension to your yoga and/or spiritual practice
But in today’s society, we often neglect our bodies’ built-in capabilities. Imagine owning the most high specification TV in existence, keeping it plugged in on standby and then living with it for years and years without ever actually turning it on. The fact is, most of us live in ‘standby mode’ most of the time. Breath: the most powerful mechanism is literally right beneath our noses waiting to be explored, yet we rarely give it more than a passing thought.
Conscious Connected Breathing is a powerful and safe way to infuse the body with oxygen and energy, recharging our own (often depleted) systems to work to their healing capacity. It facilitates openings to higher levels of consciousness, allowing us to tap into our deeper resources and live our lives joyfully and in abundance.
With Breathwork we can enjoy optimum mental health, emotional clarity and experience an ever-deepening relationship with ourselves. It’s the means by which we can embark upon the ultimate journey: the one where we discover who we really are. It can also facilitate the growth needed in order for us to transform into who we’re capable of becoming.
Breathguru® founder Alan Dolan has spent the last 20 years introducing people to breathwork through 1-1 sessions and workshops in London, Cambridge, Dublin, Japan, Kuwait, Costa Rica and Brazil, intensive Breathguru® Retreats and his flagship Training & Mentoring programme now running multiple times throughout the year in rural Lanzarote. His techniques are safe and easy to learn, and once you know how, you only need 10 minutes a day to breathe. No-one is excluded – if you’re in a reasonable state of health, you can take part!
Some people find it a deeply spiritual experience, others simply love the energy it gives them to tackle each day. Some use it to complement their yoga practise; others have never even set foot in a gym. All are welcome: men and women, young and old. The only thing participants have in common is that Conscious Connected Breathing has changed their lives.
Why not join them?
All of Alan Dolan’s work is based around one simple breathing technique which you can vary depending on how you want to feel or what you’d like to achieve. The best way to learn is to come along to a workshop, 1-1 session or to Lanzarote on retreat, where you’ll be taught how to use Conscious Connected Breathing effectively and be guided and supervised as you go along – paving the way for really transformative experiences.
Alan’s introductory film provides a short preview of what it’s all about.