The Resident

“...“…Guests who have raved about their stay include Bond star Naomie Harris and England international rugby ace Paul Sampson, who credits TB with helping him combat exercise-induced asthma…” ...”
“...“…Guests who have raved about their stay include Bond star Naomie Harris and England international rugby ace Paul Sampson, who credits TB with helping him combat exercise-induced asthma…” ...”
“...“Conscious breathing is one of the most liberating therapies I’ve ever had – and I’ve had a few… It was so powerful that I re-lived the birth of my daughter in a compelling, all-consuming, tear-filled experience.” ...”
“...“This isn’t about unconscious breathing in and out. It’s more about how techniques such as detoxifying transformational breathing can be used to regulate stress, improve immunity and increase wellbeing.” ...”
“...‘Breath is literally life,’ says BreathGuru app founder Alan Dolan. “When you breathe better, you live better.’ Which makes the fact that most of us only use 20% of our lung capacity a priority issue. ...”
“...“The method, which Dolan compares to “taking your breath to the gym” … is designed to induce tangible positive effects on the physical, mental-emotional and spiritual levels of our being…” ...”
“...“… Alan Dolan is the breath guru based in Lanzarote – he’ll teach you how to do it properly by controlling your breath and increasing your oxygen intake. So take a deep breath, relax and head to a retreat near you.” ...”
“...“…Run from his private villa in Nazaret, retreats consist of one-on-one ‘breath sessions’ each day, plus optional yoga, massage and personal training. The format can be as flexible and informal as you want…” ...”
“...“‘…mere mortals can manage only a couple of minutes,’ Alan says from his swanky Lanzarote pad, where he runs Breathing Space retreats. ‘We’ve got these amazing lungs, but we’re not accessing them.’” ...”
“...“…I feel in control of myself, my future… It all seems so much simpler; I can almost taste the positivity coursing through my system.” ...”
“...“…Breathwork is a powerful and safe way to infuse the body with much-needed oxygen and energy thereby enabling our own (often depleted) healing systems to bring about physical, emotional and/or psychological healing.” ...”
“...“…With volcano sunsets visible from the sky-blue swimming pool and pink, flowering cacti in the garden, it’s certainly an idyllic setting… there’s a beaming smile on my face I haven’t seen since I was in my 20s.” ...”
“...“…The shift he and his clients have experienced is one that changes the way you live. Dolan describes it as going from “black and white to full technicolor, 3D, hi-def.” ...”